New Year: 2018

The calendar year is new and fresh and full of anticipatory dreams out here in the snow-filled woods. We weathered our first big storm of the year, but not of the season, yesterday; and today we’re trudging through feet of fresh snow in heavy shoes – carrying in wood to pile around the stove, hauling hay closer to the goat-shed, and planning for a bitter-cold tomorrow.

We’re also reading seed catalogs and looking forward to longer days..because January is the month for dreaming.

I’ve been filling my new bullet journal with reminders of all the ways I want to see our life improve in this new year! Homesteading, ethical consumerism, homeschooling, writing, reading, word for 2018 is ‘Intentionality’ and so far, applying it has been challenging, but delightful. I’m feeling more and more joyful in my daily life, less distracted by social media or other outside stressors, and more nurturing within my little homestead.


I’m determined to get more writing done, more consistently, and to have a slightly more ordered homeschooling routine. I am also working on altering my attitude towards things, growing in detachment and learning to want less. I’ve purged and konmari’d my house a couple times, I think I could do more with another round, but my goal in ‘abundant minimalism is to want less, to care about the things of this world less and less with each passing day.


And to make each day just a bit more beautiful with the lovely, transient gifts of nature. Also to get our budget in order – transitioning to a more self-contained lifestyle has a huge adjustment curve. In part because to transition, we needed to leave the conventional work-world behind – it’s impossible to go half-way to a homestead-based income while my husband was driving over an hour twice a day to work and back, but now that we are working primarily at home, we are still transitioning to a more sustainable lifestyle and repairing from the less-sustainable lifestyle – car repairs, building materials, etc.. it’s a tough balance. I’m not sure exactly where we’ll find ourselves this year. I have hopes that freelance writing will be an option for me, and that Paperwine Industies  will grow abundantly this year.  But we might also sell some of our beloved trees to a environmentally respectful lumber company to ease the transition.


Balance is so important. And we’re finding it, slowly, as we greet this beautiful year, “new, untouched, full of things that have never been.”

Tell me, friends, what are your hopes and dreams, goals and intentions for the new year?

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Sarah says:

    I’ve started journaling this year, and I’m so glad I did! I’ve heard rave reviews about bullet journals, so I may try that, too. Is there a specific part of the day you like to write?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masha says:

      I love bullet journaling!

      I usually take time in the morning for the planning aspects of journaling and the evening for actual writing..and it helps me structure the day and keep my thoughts from rambling too much!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Chloe Langr says:

    I’m working towards being content in the plan God has for me and for our family. Rejecting the lies that the devil has planted in my heart about inadequacies, and rejoicing in the little things everyday!


  3. So true about balance! I feel like most of us seem to be seeking that this year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masha says:

      Yes! So much so!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. My word for myself this year is quiet, so I’m trying to do less this year and be more present on the things I am doing! (Since so far I’ve signed up for a retreat, a weeklong conference, two guest blogs, and two guest podcast appearances, I’m not sure I’ve been doing such a great job at it yet lol!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masha says:

      Haha!! Quiet is such a great word to focus on!!


  5. Marie says:

    What a beautiful post! Thanks for the inspiration. I have a million resolutions for the year, but my first is to live for heaven; I know that by doing this my earlthy life will be totally transformed. It’s a work in progress!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masha says:


      I always end up with a million little resolutions too, but yes! They all add uo to living for heaven!!

      Such a work in progress..I’m trying to be more aware of the progress I’m making or failing to make this year too!


  6. pwcamy says:

    One of my goals or intentions for this year is to truly be mindful of what I’m doing with my time and to be more present with my children and husband. Thanks for getting me to finally write that out! Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. masha says:

      Writing it out helps me so much!! Happy New year!


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