Monday Reflections: Simplicity, Motherhood, and Chaos

My house is a womb – small, round, nourishing – with its soft walls and gentle shifting. We are four people and a dog in about 460 square feet: cozy, especially in these cooler months with wood-stoves and candlelight. We are working towards a simple way of life – slowly and gently, but consistently. It’s…

Hygge & Holiness on Instagram

My instagram feed is full of #hygge and #intentionalliving labels – many of them my own. I love an easy hashtag to tack at the bottom of photos: old church candles burning in black and white; bread and milk set out for the welcoming of night-time wanderers. Labels like these fit my life relatively well,…

Bookish Children in Autumn

These cool, sunny days are ideal for my little readers! Under red and gold trees or wrapped in blankets with slices of apple-pie and mugs of tea..they have books around them constantly! Ilya is not an actual reader, but he’s not shy about asking me or Seth or Yarrow to read to him! And he’s…

Keeping Healthy as the Weather Turns Cool

The breeze is turning chilly, cool weather is late this year – last October we were already burning most of the day! This year, we still have nights that don’t require a fire in the stove. But late or soon, the seasons are shifting, and we already have our first cold in the house. Poor…

Monday Reflections

October is my favorite month, and this year especially, the mornings feel so fresh! I step out into the new light, let the birds out for the day, feed the goats, and let the autumn breezes wake me. There is nothing better on an October morning than hot coffee and the sound of crows calling…