Autumn Schooling

We came back to our fully school schedule this past Monday with all sorts of renewed enthusiasm and the crisp, autumn air to encouraged us! School is such a delightful opportunity to fall into new habits and rituals, and recommit to old ones. We’re greeting the mornings with an early ‘Coffee Time’ period – reading our…


Feeling: cool, tired, grey-moody under the slowly changing leaves. Anticipatory – autumn is here. Seeing: Serious-eyed kids tallying numbers, chewing pencils, sipping tea; and the dog’s reproaches rising from the sunlight as she watches breakfast dishes soaking. Lists and papers, pens and ink-stained fingers. Monday-things. Listening: To Friday I’m In Love, almost done; I really don’t care if…

Bohemian Mama: One Room Family

Some days we feel so crowded! Sometimes life in one room is exhausting. We’re always together – and for this introvert, that can get old really fast! Like Yarrow and Ilya’s favorite toad in his “new house.” (Don’t worry, he broke out only 5 minutes after being moved in, usually he lives happily under the…

Goldenrod for End of Summer Healing

It glows like the autumn sun as it towers above field and hedgerows. Summer is passing away and the goldenrod has come to make that passing lovely. In September we fill the house with goldenrod. It glows on the altar and bends over pitchers of water on the table. It scatters blossoms on the floor…